Sunday, 10 January 2016

Today is Sunday, day of rest as if. Went for a brisk walk, went with hubby to buy his car made soup cooked dinner fed cats played on IPad and MacBook did 8002 steps day finished oops sorry loaded up dishwasher. As I said a day of rest. Curves tomorrow, maybe a bit of crafting. The possibilities are endless.😜

Saturday, 9 January 2016

"Health"...steps so far today is a paltry 4903 not good but it's something.

"Crafting" nothing today

"Home life" we have been driving round and round Surrey looking for a car for hubby. Now it's chucking it down. Pollyanna my black female is a couple of duvet days. Sammy the male tabby is lounging around as usual. Hubby is now lounging around. Did I stand in the wrong queue? Did I stand in the lunging queue instead of the lounging queue, yep that must be it.....

Have a good one folks......

Friday, 8 January 2016

Last nights make using brother scanNcut machine. While that was going on I used up some scraps punching out flowers and butterflies.
This morning I designed a box using brother canvas.


Brisk walk for 26 minutes first of many I hope. Hequipment used keys phone iPod walking boots jacket. iPod was clocking up my steps and I put the stopwatch on just for time and music was playing.


I am hoping to do a craft fair around Christmas time so I'm just preparing in advance. I'm next going to make a Christmas wreath using my ScanNcut and im looking at future sales.....

See you soon.....

Nothing crafty about this post.......
I went to join "Curves" and "Weight Watcher" on Wednesday, why you may ask? as i am not working these days I tend to sit a lot longer than is good for me. So with new walking boots a good 3 in 1 coat an iPod weight watcher and Curves  i shall be embarking on a healthier lifestyle. Not sure how long i can maintain it but its a start. did i mention i shall be walking to curves No. Well it may last for a few weeks but the thought is there somewhere........

Saturday, 2 January 2016

I have changed the name to "The Crafty Owl bird". it should be read as (the crafty old bird) i needed a good name and Carol's Creation's was used by several peoples i decided to come up with a good name. As i had just turned 60yrs old someone called me an old bird and i thought yes now that is a good name my late mother liked owls so i incorporated the owl into the title.  I hope you all like this change.